
Showing posts from 2017

This is ME

Hi I'm Angelica Rowland, i am always finding a reason to be in the kitchen help or trying new things at cafes on holidays.           I am the youngest of 5 kids and also a twin, I have 4 Guinea pigs and a cat so you could say pets out number humans with only mum, dad, my twin and me in the house. I am an Auntie with 2 nephews and 3 nieces which as you probably guessed means my brothers and sister are grown up and have left home leaving 4 not 7.           I am not the person who you see going to a new country in the holidays all the time but that doesn't mean i don't have experience ,my experience is from others around me which can almost be as good as any other. I am not the best at everything but i do my best and try hard ,i am usually the person everyone comes to as i am always there to listen and help . I hope you know abit more about me and like my blog. 😀😊☺